In “This Present Darkness,” the complex narrative of Nigerian organized crime is meticulously explored, shedding light on how the country and its citizens have garnered a notorious reputation for involvement in drug trafficking, fraud, cybercrime, and other serious offenses. The book examines the transformation of crime in Nigeria, tracing its origins back to the waning years of British colonial rule.
The author begins with a striking juxtaposition to a 1944 observation by a British colonial official, who noted that the number of persistent criminals in Nigeria was relatively low, and crime as a career held little appeal for the youth. This assertion starkly contrasts with the current global reach of successful Nigerian criminal networks, which now interact with criminal organizations from Italy, Latin America, and Russia.
The book delves into the political landscape of Nigeria during colonial times, where nationalist politicians, in their pursuit of power and funds for campaigning, established corrupt practices by offering government contracts to foreign businesses in exchange for kickbacks. This corruption laid the groundwork for a broader societal disregard for the law, permeating Nigerian society and setting a precedent that has persisted over the decades.
As the narrative unfolds, the impact of the oil boom in the early 1980s becomes a pivotal moment. With the economic landscape shifting and opportunities dwindling, young Nigerian college graduates sought fortune abroad, eager to capitalize on emerging criminal markets worldwide. This period marked a significant turning point, as Nigerian crime networks expanded their operations globally, aligning with the rising demand for illicit goods and services.
“This Present Darkness” is not only an exploration of crime but also a critical examination of the socio-political factors that have shaped the current state of Nigerian society. By weaving together historical context and contemporary realities, the book provides valuable insights into the challenges Nigeria faces and the ongoing struggle against organized crime that continues to affect its reputation on the global stage.
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